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Intensive Thai Volume 1
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Introduction to Intensive Thai Volume 1
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Pronunciation and Transliteration Guide (Must Watch) (34:08)
Chapter 1: Your First Thai Conversation
Introduction to Chapter 1 (1:13)
Vocabulary: Personal Pronoun & Your first Thai words (22:02)
Grammar: Sentence Structure (27:42)
Thai Usage: Ways to say "Yes/No" (8:41)
Conversation: Greetings & Introducing yourself (12:33)
Chapter 2: At a Cafe
Introduction to Chapter 2 (1:09)
Vocabulary: Drinks & Snacks | Adverb of Degree (15:48)
Grammar: Unit of Noun (9:07)
Thai Usage: Levels and Cases of Language (9:48)
Conversation: Ordering Drinks and Snacks (15:45)
Chapter 3: What is it? Who is that?
Introduction to Chapter 3 (1:07)
Vocabulary: Things, Animals and People (15:32)
Thai Usage: Possessive Adjectives (5:07)
Grammar: Verb to be (61:57)
Conversation: Defining what is this and who is that? (6:51)
Chapter 4: Buying Fruits at a Local Market
Introduction to Chapter 4 (1:18)
Vocabulary : Fresh Market | Number & Counting (33:48)
Grammar: How much & How many (15:20)
Thai Usage: Adjectives of Quantity (9:43)
Conversation: Do you have fruits? (9:07)
Chapter 5: At A Restaurant
Introduction to chapter 5 (1:26)
Vocabulary: Food and Restaurant (11:33)
Common Phrases: Customise your dishes (15:33)
Grammar: Units of Noun for Food and Drinks (11:31)
Conversation: Talk About Food / Order Food (Missing Dialogue 1) (10:59)
Chapter 6: What's Your Hobby?
Introduction to chapter 6 (1:09)
Vocabulary: Hobbies & Activities (7:47)
Grammar: Verb Can (28:01)
Usage: Connectors & Prepositions (16:35)
Conversation: What do you like to do in your free time? (9:23)
Chapter 7: Telling Your Daily Routines
Introduction to chapter 7 (1:54)
Vocabulary: Daily Routine (11:40)
Grammar: Syntax with Time (10:48)
Thai Usage: Days of the Week (12:18)
Conversation: Talking about your day (11:14)
Chapter 8: Making An Appointment
Introduction to chapter 8 (1:17)
Vocabulary: Appointment / Meeting (8:37)
Thai Usage: Telling time in Thai (24:35)
Grammar: Syntax with time (11:47)
Conversation: Making Appointment (18:08)
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