Vocabulary: Personal Pronoun & Your first Thai words
Hello นักเรียน nák-riian (students),
I am excited to start our first lesson. In this video lesson, you will learn Personal Pronouns which are really useful as they can be used as the subject and object in a sentence. Furthermore, I will introduce you to the essential vocabulary for your first conversation.
If you are ready พร้อม práawm, let's start เริ่มกัน rêeum-gan! 🥳
Personal Pronouns
Essential Words | Compound Words
Activity & Exercise
Review all vocabulary you've learned in this lesson on Quizlet (Online Flashcards)
- In Thai, the subject and object pronouns are the same. (No need to conjugate the pronouns)
- ฉัน (chǎn with a rising tone) is "I/me" for female speakers but in reality, Thais usually pronounce it ชั้น (chán with a high tone)
- Many times, Thais call themselves by their nicknames as subject pronouns.
- Oftentimes, Thais skip the subject when casually speaking.
- The young generations use เรา (raw) as "I" and "we".
Bonus: Countries in Thai
- America = อเมริกา à-mee-rí-gaa
- Germany = เยอรมนี yuuh-rá-má-nii
- France = ฝรั่งเศส fà-ràng-sèet
- Spain = สเปน sà-bpeen
- Protugal = โปรตุเกส bproo-dtù-kèet
- Switzerland = สวิสเซอร์แลนด์ sà-wít-ser-laaen
- Italy = อิตาลี ì-dtaa-lîi
- Belgium = เบลเยี่ยม bew-yîaam
- China = จีน jiin
- Cambodia = กัมพูชา gam-puu-chaa
- Laos = ลาว laao
- Korea = เกาหลี kao-lǐi
- Japan = ญี่ปุ่น yîi-bpùn
- Myanmar = เมียนมาร์ miian-mâa or พม่า pá-mâa
Please see a list of 40 country names in Thai from my blog post. If your country is not on the list, please feel free to comment below. Just a tip, the rest of the counties could be pronounced similarly to English but with Thai accent 😆.
Remark: A misspelling in Thai of the word "ฝรั่งเศส fà-ràng-sèet" (with ส ending consonant)