🖥️ Story 11: Video lesson

Part 2: Learn with Video Lesson

Download the Podcast Lesson (mp.3)

If you'd like to learn in a podcast format instead of a video format, you can download all podcast lessons on our exclusive Google Drive for enrolled students.

See Transcripts, vocabulary & grammar notes

Go through the texts together with the video lesson, then review the vocabulary and grammar notes before practicing listening to the audio once more.

PKT1_Story11_Job application.pdf

📒 Or you can download the whole book at once >>HERE<<

Lesson Summary

Part 2 of the learning materials offers a podcast format for those who prefer it over video. Here's what you can do:

  • Download the podcast lessons from the exclusive Google Drive for enrolled students.
  • Review transcripts, vocabulary, and grammar notes.
  • Follow along with the text during the video lesson.
  • Review vocabulary and grammar notes.
  • Practice listening to the audio again.

The text provided focuses on a job application scenario where a person with a bachelor's degree in Thai language wants to teach Thai to foreigners to improve their English skills.

Key points:

  • The individual applies for a Thai teaching position.
  • They prepare documents for the application.
  • They impress the interviewer and are assigned a teaching role.
  • They sign a working contract and start teaching Thai to interested foreign students.

The vocabulary section introduces terms related to education and employment, while the grammar section covers structures like "เพง(จะ)" (just, recently) and "เกยวกบ" (about).

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