💡 Why Should You Learn Basic Thai?

Why should you learn basic Thai?

Learning basic Thai can significantly enhance the experience of visiting, traveling, or living in Thailand. Here are some compelling reasons, explained in numbers.

Cultural Appreciation

Learning basic Thai phrases allows you to gain a deeper understanding of Thai culture. Language is intertwined with cultural nuances, gestures, and social customs, all of which are reflected in how Thais communicate. The language reflects the Thai culture, values, and behaviors of local Thais.

A clear example: Thai has different levels of politeness and formality

It reflects our society that has a hierarchy. We respect seniority and we do imply respect and politeness through language.

The subject pronoun (I) can be ดิฉัน dì-chǎn (formal), ฉัน chǎn (semi-formal), เรา rao (when talking with friends), กู guu (casual / impolite) or หนู (when speaking with seniors).

Enhanced Experience and Connection

When foreigners attempt to speak Thai, even just a few words, it is genuinely appreciated by the locals. This effort fosters stronger connections and demonstrates respect and interest in the community.

If you have a Thai partner, you might want to consider learning Thai even though your partner speaks perfect English. His or her family might not be able to speak English well. Being able to communicate basic Thai with them already enhances your relationship with your partner’s family and friends.

Speaking a few basic sentences, like greetings or expressions of gratitude, can lead to warm smiles and friendly interactions. Locals often respond positively, sharing more about their culture and experiences, which can make your journey feel more personal and immersive.

Navigating Daily Life

Everyday interactions in Thailand become significantly easier when you know basic Thai. Utilizing simple phrases can save you time and alleviate stress when navigating local services.

Not only will this enhance your experience while living or traveling in Thailand, but it will also create a sense of belonging, making life in Thailand feel more like home.

Even though the new generation of Thai are able to communicate more in English, especially in big cities like Bangkok, Phuket, and Chiang Mai. The majority of Thais still cannot communicate well in English.

🙋🏽‍♀️ Fun Facts

Regarding our survey of BananaThai’s students, we asked them “What is your main reason for learning Thai”, here is the result:

👉🏽 21% of the students are interested in learning language and culture

👉🏽 19% of the students live in Thailand

👉🏽 18% of the students have a relationship with Thais (partner and family)

👉🏽 8% of the students are polyglot or language enthusiasts.

👉🏽 5% of the students run a business in Thailand

What about you? What is your reason(s) to learn Thai? Feel free to share with us in the comment below.

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